Thursday, 28 June 2018

Wastewater Treatment as in Sewage Treatment | Chokhavatia Associates

Wastewater treatment is cover under sewage treatment because in wastewater we purify wastewater as in Sewage contains human and animal waste and pollutants ,effluent. Sometime it contains storm water also.

Wastewater disposed as municipal or commercial wastes and be treated under sewage treatment plants. Wastewater contains both residential and industrial waste to treat. Differentiating solid and liquid waste from the sewage and treat the remaining liquid and make it safe for surroundings and reusable is called “Wastewater treatment” . In wastewater there are three processes called 1) Chemical, 2) Physical and 3) Biological. Considering which type of effluents are in wastewater, process can be apply .

As above wastewater contains Residential waste as well as Industrial waste.

Residential waste is like municipal sewage, remaining waste of house holds, sludge coming from dirty area etc. It contains only grey water .To treat this needs low rate treatment. It tends to be lower in coast and less maintenance. For this We just required physical and biological process. Filtration and clarification which are in physical process of wastewater treatment, can use for this type of wastewater.

Industrial waste contains effluents coming from industry, chemical sludge ,Toxins coming from pharmaceuticals .It contains black water. It is high rate treatment contains high cost and high maintenance. It requires pretreatment which is not full treatment in industry just remove pollutants before it discharge from industry. Pretreatment consist physical process, and for removal of effluents and toxin , Chemical and Biological process apply. For Biological process biological treatment units are use this process is called Activated sludge process.

As above there are three basic processes in wastewater treatment which are describe below:-

 Physical Process:-
Removal of physical substance from the sludge called physical process. It involves filtration, clarification ,sedimentation and aeration. Now Removal of solids settles which are in base is called Sedimentation .Whenever heavy solids go at the bottom, to discard them from wastewater become easy. To increase oxygen in the remaining waste and contaminated water is called Aeration. Passing water through filters and separate solid and liquid part of waste is called Filtration. These all processes are done by physically so its called Physical Process.

It is used in mostly residential area and also in Municipal sewage.

Chemical Process:-
Taking out the existence of contaminants from the wastewater is called Chemical Process. To purify water ,most used treatment is considered to be chlorination. To decompose water and remove bacteria from the waste water, chlorine is most usable chemical. It is a strong oxidizing chemical. By the oxidation we can purify water and make it reusable by controlling the bacteria growth, and for that we can also use agent like ozone.

It is widely use in industrial area and some times it is used in municipal sewage also. In industry PH control and neutralization is also necessary. Carbon is use for this process because of its adsorption property.

Biological Process:-
Making wastewater biochemically decomposed and stabilizing it called Biological Process. This process makes use of bacteria and other microorganisms which are in waste water. It categories in Aerobic and Anaerobic. An aerobic process we have oxygen presence ,and by the bacteria it transform in to CO2.In anaerobic process the sludge is fermented in considered temperature without O2.

Friday, 15 June 2018

What Are The Normal Characteristic Of Effluent Treatment Plant Design | Chokhavatia Associates

The characteristics of the Effluent Treatment Plant Design determine the important factors that are related to it. The biological, chemical, and physical properties that affect the quality of effluent must be considered while designing the treatment plant.

Characteristic of Effluent Treatment Plant

  • The physical characteristics of the effluent: You need to consider the physical characteristics of the effluent while designing your plant. This includes the color of the effluent, the constituent solids, its temperature, and even odour. This also means that the presence of suspended solids indicates the poor quality of effluent that makes the treatment difficult.
  • Capability to withstand shock loads: While designing the plant, you should also consider the fact that it needs to be able to withstand the shock loads during festival seasons such as Christmas and New Year. The effluent load can also increase during various festivals.

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Friday, 8 June 2018

What Wastewater Treatment Systems Are Available In The World? | Chokhavatia Associates

Sewerage in the water contains various contaminates such as bacteria, dirt, etc. that can be harmful to the body of water. This wastewater needs to be treated in order to make it reusable for the general public or industries. A whole new set of industrial wastewater treatment plants have emerged due to the dire need of water recycling.

In order to disinfect the sewage water, industrial wastewater treatment is used. There are many ways by which wastewater can be treated. Constantly, research to build more efficient industrial wastewater treatment plants is being done. Now we are going to discuss a few methods of treating the sewage water.

Primary form of treatment

This is one of the most basic forms of wastewater treatment systems. It is a three steps process. In this, first the contaminated water, which contains solids and floating items, is made to pass through a bar which helps separate the floating items and the liquid. After this, other small anomalies such as sand and small stones (organic matter) are eliminated from the water by using another container with even smaller openings. The water that remains is disinfected to remove any bacteria or excess chlorine, after which, the treated water is dumped in the oceans, rivers or other water bodies and the solid waste is kept aside to be used in landfills.

Secondary form of treatment

If Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were to be followed, then primary treatment would not be considered enough. The primary form of treatment is not enough for industrial wastewater treatment, as it only gets rid of 50% of the bacteria and the bacteria still in the water can deter the environment. It is the secondary treatment, which is essentially a biological process that relieves the water from 85% of the bacteria.

Tertiary form of treatment

When it comes to cleaning industrial waste, then the wastewater treatment systems used should be extensive and thorough. It is due to the fact that wastewater of industries contains many chemicals and toxins which can cause death of aquatic life as well as humans if dumped untreated into any water body. To do so, many complex methods, such as micro filtration, chemical precipitation, carbon adsorption, evaporation and many others need to be performed.

If this water was to let run free, then the environment will be in grave danger, not only the aquatic life, but other flora, fauna and even humans will suffer. Water cycle makes sure that the water travel throughout the world and that means that any contamination anyone causes, affects every person there is. Hence, it is our duty to make sure that these wastewater industrial treatment plants work in each and every country to ensure sustainable development and protection of all kinds of lives. These methods also ensure that the waste is reused, that is, the solid waste is turned into fertilizers and the treated water is sent to the ocean or other water bodies.

We are at Chokhavatia Associates Waste water Management company. We mainly offers Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETPs), Sewage treatment plant (STP) ,Effluent treatment plant (ETP) Design & Development Services. You need more information about our projects and plant please visit here:

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Ways to Save Our Environment | Effluent Treatment Plant Design | Chokhavatia Associates

Our environment is badly affected by industrial waste. Especially with industries in the segment like pharmaceutical and chemical, there are more dangerous pollutants that affect the land, water and air. As the industries grow, the amount of pollutant also increases along with its growth.

Proper measures are essential if we are going to save our environment from the industrial pollute. The very fabric of our nature is in danger because of the industrial pollution in major cities and suburbs. The government and environmental agencies need to take a peek into this situation and come up with solutions that will preserve our environment from the danger of depletion.

The etp design (Effluent Treatment Plant is one of the ways to control the industrial waste from spreading into environment. Imagine the volume of destruction the industrial waste can cause to the environment. If the industrial waste water is let into our rivers and streams, this can pollute the river with poisonous chemical and thereby deplete the aquatic life.

Moreover, the poisonous gases that are let into our atmosphere affect our atmosphere badly. The effluent treatment plant can be a great solution to save the environment from deterioration through effective water treatment strategies.

Generally, the industrial waste goes through a 3-step water treatment process before they can be turned into a resource that does not harm the environment in any way. The etp design enables to purify the water before it is released into the water bodies.

The three steps in the water treatment process are:

  1. Pre-treatment
  2. Primary treatment
  3. Secondary treatment

Pre-treatment is the process before the water enters into more complex process of evaporation, filtration, incineration, etc. During this process the water from the industrial waste is logged into huge tanks. This allows the solid substances to float on the top, substances like oil, grease, certain chemical and other industrial waste. During the process of pre-treatment, these solid substances are removed from the flowing water and they are led to the primary treatment facility.

Primary Treatment
During the primary treatment the industrial waste water is allowed to pass through a corrosion free High Density Poly ethylene also called as the HDPE pipe. The effluent treatment plant manufacturers provide the materials that are installed to successfully treat the water. Through this pipe, water is poured onto big chemical tanks for further treatment.

During primary treatment certain poisonous chemical waste substances are removed through chemical reaction, thereby making the rivers and water stream safe from the industrial pollute. Further, any floating solid substance like oils or grease is also removed during the primary treatment.

Secondary Treatment
The secondary treatment is a more thorough treatment where the effluent treatment plant manufacturers provide the infrastructure to remove the waste substance from industries. Several processes like evaporation, filtration, centrifuging and incineration are used to remove the harmful substance and make the water from the industries to be harm-free before it is released into the water bodies.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

How to Choose the Right Environmental Consulting Firms? | Chokhavatia Associates

Environment has been a major cause of concern in the eyes of the scientists for long but it is relatively a new concept for the public and is slowly being taken in as a factor by the government bodies, law and the people. It is because of this rise in awareness, that laws are being implemented in each and every country to have a check at the land where work is about to start. For this work, professionals from Environmental Consulting firms are required, who tell you about the condition of the property in detail before you buy it.

The Procedure of Selection of Environmental Consulting Firms

The first and foremost thing to do, even before hiring an environmental consulting firm, is to get a detailed list of the things that needs to be checked. This is to make sure that you can provide all your queries to the consultant in the beginning and he can start the work accordingly.

The second step involves getting references of the people who are suitable for the job. This can be done with the help of the internet, your attorney or other people you know, who have bought any land in recent time for work.

The third step is to finalize one of the environmental consultant firms, but only after fetching all the required details, including the cost of the whole endeavor.

After this, they will get to work and warn you about any potential threat that comes with the property. This can involve factors such as soil erosion, air pollution, and animal and plant life. They will also advice a detailed procedure to ensure that the existing threats are eradicated and measures to make sure that the potential threats do not come into existence.

It is only after this, that you should decide whether the property is worth buying or not.

What are the benefits of hiring Environmental consulting firms?

If you are a buyer, then it can help you determine the cost of the land according to the said parameters. This is another factor that can alter the cost of the land and a buyer should not make a deal where he might end up suffering losses due to a blind spot.

If you are the seller, then it is a good of making sure that you know where the property stands at this point of time, and if required, make the appropriate changes in the land to make it more sell-able or help to boost the price of the land.

This is the right way to know acknowledge the potential risks and deal with them accordingly. This will give you a chance to make appropriate steps to make this investment profitable or in some cases, turn your back on a bad investment.

This will also relax your mind, as you will know all the required details of the land and will be safe from any legal action as well. This can be a hassle free experience with favorable results only if you choose to hire environmental consulting firms that provide all the in time and with due diligence.

We are at Chokhavatia Associates Waste water Management company. We mainly offers Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETPs), Sewage treatment plant (STP) ,Effluent treatment plant (ETP) design & development Services. You need more information about our projects and plant please visit here: