Our environment is badly affected by industrial waste. Especially with industries in the segment like pharmaceutical and chemical, there are more dangerous pollutants that affect the land, water and air. As the industries grow, the amount of pollutant also increases along with its growth.
Proper measures are essential if we are going to save our environment from the industrial pollute. The very fabric of our nature is in danger because of the industrial pollution in major cities and suburbs. The government and environmental agencies need to take a peek into this situation and come up with solutions that will preserve our environment from the danger of depletion.
The etp design (Effluent Treatment Plant is one of the ways to control the industrial waste from spreading into environment. Imagine the volume of destruction the industrial waste can cause to the environment. If the industrial waste water is let into our rivers and streams, this can pollute the river with poisonous chemical and thereby deplete the aquatic life.
Moreover, the poisonous gases that are let into our atmosphere affect our atmosphere badly. The effluent treatment plant can be a great solution to save the environment from deterioration through effective water treatment strategies.
Generally, the industrial waste goes through a 3-step water treatment process before they can be turned into a resource that does not harm the environment in any way. The etp design enables to purify the water before it is released into the water bodies.
- Pre-treatment
- Primary treatment
- Secondary treatment
Pre-treatment is the process before the water enters into more complex process of evaporation, filtration, incineration, etc. During this process the water from the industrial waste is logged into huge tanks. This allows the solid substances to float on the top, substances like oil, grease, certain chemical and other industrial waste. During the process of pre-treatment, these solid substances are removed from the flowing water and they are led to the primary treatment facility.
Primary Treatment
During the primary treatment the industrial waste water is allowed to pass through a corrosion free High Density Poly ethylene also called as the HDPE pipe. The effluent treatment plant manufacturers provide the materials that are installed to successfully treat the water. Through this pipe, water is poured onto big chemical tanks for further treatment.
During primary treatment certain poisonous chemical waste substances are removed through chemical reaction, thereby making the rivers and water stream safe from the industrial pollute. Further, any floating solid substance like oils or grease is also removed during the primary treatment.
The secondary treatment is a more thorough treatment where the effluent treatment plant manufacturers provide the infrastructure to remove the waste substance from industries. Several processes like evaporation, filtration, centrifuging and incineration are used to remove the harmful substance and make the water from the industries to be harm-free before it is released into the water bodies.
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