Thursday, 29 August 2019

Wastewater Treatment Plants For Our Future | Chokhavatia Associates

Waste Water Treatment is supposed to be one of the most lucrative choices to conserve our precious water that is one of most vital objects for survival of life cycle.  As we all are well aware that the water which is preserved on earth in a natural form is decreasing with each passing day by working on waste water treatment is the best viable solution that can be adopted so that the natural resources gets preserved for the generations to come. When it comes to storing or reserving treated water, keep in mind that a proper and well-designed Waste Water Treatment Plant can render a helping hand in achieving this. As a result, preservation of water can be done which can be used in a number of ways.
In addition to it, while processing the contaminated water, take a note that there are lots of other issues that have to be considered while treating it. The course of action that is been applied by these treatment plants make sure that entire set of contamination from the water is removed thus making it reusable all over again. And to for this objective, a number of water sanitation plants have been structured so that water can be processed again and again so that it can be used for a number of purposes.

In fact, it is our moral duty, to preserve water and as a part of mass awareness, all of should spread this message through all possible sources. It should be understood by masses that the treatment of wastewater is quite essential feature of water cycle, and necessary for keeping a control on pollution present in environment. One should note that, the water used by us at our home, offices, businesses and even industries might have gone through some order of treatment at some point.  The extent of applications water renders in day to day life, compels us to treat it through waste water treatment; and then only suitable water supply can be maintained. On other hand, keeping environmental aspect in mind it is necessary to treat water. 

One should note down that Wastewater Treatment also implies for sewage treatment. But keep in mind that the term waste water treatment also refers for the industrial run offs as well as domestic run offs. We should put our collective efforts by helping less wastage of water and making sure that the waste water in our residential societies undergoes treatment facilities so that storage of water in environment is maintained and there is no scarcity of clean water in our surroundings.

In fact, nature has also an excellent ability to treat the water to make it pure and reusable, but it takes a little more time. But due to population growth requirement of water is more. Hence, we require treatment plants for waste water in residential societies, industries as well as commercial establishments. Each of them require treatment plants as per their infrastructure and nature of existence.

Water Treatment Plant is the most realistic options for maintaining and preserving water, that is one of the precious source in running life smoothly. One can find number of solution providers who have knack in delivering custom based plants.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

How do Sewage Treatment Plants Work? | Chokhavatia Associates

The importance of sewage treatment plant design is to withhold all the solids as much as possible and before the leaving water called an effluent is discharged to the environment. The solid matter decays it uses oxygen that are needed by the water plants and animals.

Water Recycle 
With the ongoing water scarcity in cities and towns the only way ahead to treat the sewage water by sewage treatment  plant so that the non-hazardous water can be reused to increase the surface water or recharge the ground table water.
How does a Sewage Treatment Plant Work?
Sewage Treatment works in four different methods first the waste goes through the initial process called the preliminary method where most of the course solids are removed. This process includes large filtering READ MORE.....

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Why Does The Dairy Industry Need a Effluent Treatment System? | Chokhavatia Associates

The List of Effluents that You Must Care to Dispose
Let’s get a bit deeper, and peek into the major effluents discharged in the dairy industry and propose suitable Effluent Treatment Plant for dairy industry.
While the industry produces milk, butter or cheese using processes like pasteurization or homogenization this results in high levels of BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) and COD (Chemical oxygen demand) that need to be treated before being discharged into the environment.
The other common effluents are suspended solids, milk fat and also the dairy generates odors that need to be taken care.
Every dairy production unit requires such a Dairy Wastewater Treatment Plant that efficiently tackles the unbalanced levels of BOD, COD, suspended and dissolved solids, that leads to safe disposals of industrial waste.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Why Industries Using Sewage Treatment Plants for Removing Pollutants ? | Chokhavatia Associates

In order to free the water consumed for irrigation or drinking and even household purposes from all sorts of harmful contaminants, Sewage Treatment Plant plays a quite crucial phenomenon. The containments present in the waste water should be significantly decreased by getting rid of bacteria, suspended solids and all other organic wastes as well as chemicals that make the water polluted so that can be reused again.

Sewage Treatments denotes domestic wastewater management and seeks removal of pollutants from household sewage that consists of domestic and runoff. On an average, environmental engineers are accountable for designing and erecting facilities where wastewater is to be treated. There are various ways and means as physical, chemical besides biological approaches through which wastewater can be treated and is sent back to the environment so that it can be reused.

The most accepted Sewage Treatment Plant that is usually set up for treating sewage embraces three stages-i.e. entire procedure has to undergo primary, secondary &tertiary stage of treatment. In the very first step solids are mined out from the waste water and it is through usage of home cultivated water borne micro-organisms dissolved matter is transformed into solid masses. Residues remained are there after nullified and then after thrown away or re-used.  Thus, the water gets disinfected either physically or chemically with the support of lagoons or microfiltration.

In the end, the water that has been treated is now discharged into either river, stream, wetland or either it can be reused for irrigating farms.

The treatment plant developed for cleaning sewage works to eradicate suspended solids in addition to bio chemical oxygen demanding waste also known as BOD as this helps to reduce fish kill, as of diminishing oxygen levels that can leave adverse effects on marine life.  Diverse forms of treatment are as follows.

1. Primary Treatment

In this phase substances that can be removed effortlessly from waste water are eradicated as oil /fat/ racks and even trash..

2. Secondary Treatment 

This procedure cuts down the biological toxins that are present inside the sewage. At this juncture micro-organism are assisted to eliminate the undesirable elements present in the sewage.

3. Tertiary Treatment

This step emphasises on the betterment of the quality of the water, prior to sending back to the environment for usage for all purposes. This can be accomplished either by treating it by artificial filters or by natural filters like marshlands and even lagoons. With the help of treatment excess phosphorus and nitrogen can be removed.

For total removal of microrganism, a treatment plants have to often take a treatment of chlorination prior to release of treated waste water. Ultimately this chlorine is being eliminated from water after being chemically treated by sulphur di oxide reaction; and this helps in making water safe for the life that is dependent on it.

At last, this treated water is released in river, ponds lakes or even sea whatever is the closest destination. There are lots of services providers who provide solutions to fix drainage problems in a very cost effective manner.

Chokhavatia Associates have put up more than 37 years of experience with a global client base. Our services in environmental sector include concept to commissioning of Wastewater Treatment Plants for the industries and sewage treatment plants.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

The Importance of Environmental Management Plan | Chokhavatia Associates

Environment plays a pivotal role in the life of the people. It basically means the conditions of the surrounding areas and it is only because of good environment, humans have been able to survive for so long. Any company is expected to follow certain norms and regulations in order to be affiliated by the government and not be fined heavily. One of the norms that a company needs to follow is related to the pollution control. Even though, it's opposition comprises of many advocates, it still remains to be one of the strongly implemented rule, and rightfully so.

A company needs to follow certain standards in their factories and in their other work areas, including labs, hospitals etc. This is to make sure that the environment is not affected by the constant work being done in them. Each and every waste material needs to be discarded off, only after all the harmful components have been taken out. If a company does not follow these norms, then there is a good chance that they will have to pay heavily in terms of fine or in some cases; the license might get revoked due to this kind of negligence.

Things to keep in mind while making environmental management plans

The first and foremost thing to keep in mind while making the plan is to know what kind of waste is being produced in the workplace. If it is an office workplace and then the waste generated is harmless and hence easily discarded. But if, it is waste of a hospital or factory that requires elements that make radiations, then the plan of action would be different.

Depending on the waste material a company is bound to produce, action plan comes into play. If it is toxic gases that are to be released in the making of the desired products, then chimneys are installed, if, the waste product is liquid based, treatment plant is made and if it is solid or radiation based, then appropriate measures for the same are taken. This can be done in two ways; either the company hires a company to make these Environmental Treatment Plans or makes a department in their own company, solely for this job. This department or company, depending on the company's choice, makes the entire plan and recommend the steps that need to be taken.

Afterwards, the company either hires a company which can provide the needed services or they install the equipment themselves, and keep it as a part of the whole process.

In the end, it is absolutely a must to have these two processes running simultaneously and never compromise on the quality of the waste disposal due to budget cuts. If a company decides to not follow the said conditions, it is bound to come under fire from the people of the nation and the law. There are strict actions that can be taken by the government and the judiciary system but the main problem still remains the Backlash that comes from the customers.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

What is included in an Environmental Management Audit ? | Chokhavatia Associates

Industries are one of the complicated facilities with series of processes to manufacture raw materials or products. Often times, chemicals and other substances are essential to run the manufacturing plant. This can result in pollutants damaging the surrounding environment, also causing harm to public health. This leaves us to the point to understand the necessity of Environmental Audit.
Audit Improves Operational Efficiency
There are multiple reasons as to why an environmental audit ......

Monday, 1 April 2019

Why Do You Need An Environmental Management System?

Industries in the act of producing products and goods have growing concerns about generation of waste, effluents and hazardous chemicals. Moreover, there is a necessity to strike balance in managing industrial wastage and the environment. In this regard, United Nations have also taken the initiative to propagate cleaner production and environmental ministry overlooks industrial processes for the good of the society. This blog details about how Environmental Management Systems can address these issues to preserve our environment from industrial pollution.

Role of Environmental Management Systems

In order to resolve the industry pain points, the Environmental Management System (EMS) plays a key role to sustain an organization while being non-hazardous. Effective environment management plan always has a desirable outcome. The environmental management consultant help to design and build non-hazardous production facility. For profitability concerns, EMS also focuses on plant implementation that derives operational efficiency.