The effluent treatment plant is designed for treating the effluent coming from various areas of the plant. The treatment of different effluent varies with the type of effluent. Industrial water contains many impurities and therefore highly effective Effluent Treatment Plant is required. Effluent Treatment plant design needs to be must take into consideration several factors. Characteristics of effluent that need to be considered for ETP plant design is the flow of the effluent along with biological, chemical and physical properties that affect the quality of effluent.
•Sturdy construction
•Resistant to corrosion
•Superior performance
•Rapid installation
•Flexible in reworking
•Less civil work involved Designing of Effluent Treatment Plant
Characteristics of effluent are necessary to be considered in etp Plant design. One can decide how large the effluent plant will be depending upon the estimated inflow into the plant which is typically estimated in cubic metres per year. To get the hydraulic computation right in Effluent Treatment Plant, it is important to get the right estimates of variations in the inflow in order to get the hydraulic computation right. This also helps in correctly determining the size of conveying pipes and channels.
It is important that effluent treatment plant is built scalably as in the future the inflow of effluent increases. There are seasonal variations in the size of inflow. It may happen that in day there is larger inflow than in the night. Flow needs to be stabilised to make it constant or near constant for an effective effluent treatment plant design.This prevents functioning of treatment processes downstream. This can be achieved through the use of equalisation tanks or ponds.
Toxic substances in the effluent can affect the treatment processes. This can be reduced by dilution of toxic effluent by mixing it in equalisation ponds with effluents having lesser toxic content.
Effluent treatment plant design should be such that it is able to bear shocks during festive time and other occasions.
Physical characteristics of effluent like the colour of effluent, solids in it, its temperature and odour are also taken into account. Suspended solids indicate the poor quality of effluent which is difficult to treat.Solids may consist of grease, floating debris or oil slicks. This indicates absence of any form of pre-treatment of the effluent.
Another important thing that one need to consider in Effluent Treatment Plant design is the temperature of the effluent as an unfavourable temperature condition can impede the important biological and chemical processes. Also the solubility of important gases like oxygen is affected. At higher temperature of effluent various reactions may occur. It also promotes the solubility of oxygen in the effluent.
Scarcity of water also needs to be considered as then better technologies are needed.
ETP design is such that the required characteristics of effluent comply with the prescribed norms. If there is a risk that underground water may deplete in future or may get polluted or the soil may get polluted then effluent treatment plant needs the use of better technologies.
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