Wednesday, 5 February 2020

What is the Aerobic Wastewater Treatment System | Chokhavatia Associates

Aerobic wastewater treatment is a stand-alone system and by removing the BOD and TSS from the industrial water it makes the wastewater useful. This treatment can be used specifically to remove nitrogen as well as phosphorus. This system plays a vital role to clean the wastewater and maintain the eco-system.

Aerobic wastewater treatment is usually known as a secondary treatment plant. Considering the biological wastewater treatment systems, there are 2 main types of the same.
1. Aerobic System
2. Anaerobic system
Chokhavatia Associates are Expertise in designing the Wastewater Treatment Plants for different types of waste water generating effluents and its applications. We have successfully designed and commissioned Activated sludge Plants for various industries like sugar, soap, solvent and oil extraction industries, edible oil refineries, food, dairy, soft drink bottling, breweries, starch, pesticides and bulk drug pharmaceutical industries chemical and mining industries, etc.
If you need more details about our Consultancy services & Turnkey services please Contact us at