Wednesday, 24 April 2019

What is included in an Environmental Management Audit ? | Chokhavatia Associates

Industries are one of the complicated facilities with series of processes to manufacture raw materials or products. Often times, chemicals and other substances are essential to run the manufacturing plant. This can result in pollutants damaging the surrounding environment, also causing harm to public health. This leaves us to the point to understand the necessity of Environmental Audit.
Audit Improves Operational Efficiency
There are multiple reasons as to why an environmental audit ......

Monday, 1 April 2019

Why Do You Need An Environmental Management System?

Industries in the act of producing products and goods have growing concerns about generation of waste, effluents and hazardous chemicals. Moreover, there is a necessity to strike balance in managing industrial wastage and the environment. In this regard, United Nations have also taken the initiative to propagate cleaner production and environmental ministry overlooks industrial processes for the good of the society. This blog details about how Environmental Management Systems can address these issues to preserve our environment from industrial pollution.

Role of Environmental Management Systems

In order to resolve the industry pain points, the Environmental Management System (EMS) plays a key role to sustain an organization while being non-hazardous. Effective environment management plan always has a desirable outcome. The environmental management consultant help to design and build non-hazardous production facility. For profitability concerns, EMS also focuses on plant implementation that derives operational efficiency.